This mini-course is designed to help your growing girl become more confident – so she can know her skills and talents, believe in her self, and learn to step into her potential and possibilities without any fear, worry, or anxiety!
Welcome to the Bold New Girls Academy!
Here you will find mini-courses that support you on your journey of raising a strong girl!
This mini-course, Building Confidence, is all about teaching girls to know their skills and strengths, to believe in their self-worth, and to feel good!
Girls’ confidence wanes as they grow – they become more aware and concerned about what others think of them, there are more pressures pushing them to achieve and accomplish and be perfect, and they are more self-conscious and worried about making mistakes and failing.
Yet, confidence and inner strength and power is what a growing girl needs most! This mini-course will help you build and boost her self-confidence.
The Building Confidence Mini-Course is designed to help you:
- Understand confidence
- Learn why confidence is so important
- Consider the challenges of confidence
- Learn the 5 tools for building confidence
The Building Confidence Mini-Course includes:
- A simple, easy to follow Power Point Presentation
- A handout on Building Confidence
- Quotations
- Reflective questions for you to consider
- Additional ideas and resources for support
If you don’t have a lot of time but you need ideas for building her confidence, this course is for you!