The Antidote to Helicoptering our teens? Parenting from the Periphery

First published in the Toronto Star, by contributing columnist, Brandie Weikle, March 18, 2020 There are days when it seems that all I do is prod my teenager to get out of bed, get out the door on time, get on with that homework assignment and, for crying out loud, put away that laundry we folded last week. I don’t love the sound of my voice when it’s nagging and I know he doesn’t either. When our kids are no longer little, we move away from the acutely body-wearing work of waking frequently at…

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Periphery Parenting: A New Approach to Try with Your Teenage Daughter

First Published with Red Tricycle on March 18, 2020 Tiger? Helicopter? Lawnmover? Jellyfish? Which parenting st‌yle best describes you? Popular culture has some creative categories for today’s parents. You may be familiar with the “tiger mom” label used to describe the caregiver who shows tough love and holds high expectations for achievement and success. Perhaps you have also heard of helicopter parents, who hover over their kids, becoming overinvolved, or the lawnmower or snowplow st‌yles, where parents “mow down” a path for their children by removing any potential obstacles or discomforts. Then there’s the…

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What We Can Do To Help Girls

Hopscotch Girls is a fantastic resource for those of you raising girls. It offers books, blogs, guides, and gifts. Check it out here. Hopscotch Girls also asked me to answer questions they had about what it takes to empower girls: from confidence and self-worth to self-love and leadership. To read more click here!…

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The Rise of Girls

Hailey Eisen reached out to me for her feature article on girls in the Women of Influence Magazine. Of course, I said, “Yes” because one: I love interview experiences and two: I am deeply passionate (and concerned about) girls growing up in this generation and, specifically, the rise of girls. Girl Power is more than just a catchy phrase. To learn more about girls of power and influence, girls on the rise, check out the article here!... This content is for Growing Strong Girls Possibilities Boxes members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here…

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Sorry, Not Sorry: Why Girls Need to Stop Apologizing

First Published with Red Tricycle You may have heard of a “little” best seller called, Girl, Stop Apologizing (2019) by multi-media company founder, Rachel Hollis. I don’t’ know about you but I’ve read it three times now, going on four. Hollis, speaker, author, and inspiring human being, calls us to action when she says, “It’s time to be yourself, unapologetically, and to show the world what happens when a woman challenges herself for greatness. It’s time to stop apologizing for who you are.”(p. 210). I took her message to heart and started making changes in my…

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3 Ways to Help Girls Shift from Addiction to Intention on Social Media

Believe it or not, teens are aware of how much they use their devices, how lonely and isolated they are feeling, and despite their best efforts to exchange virtual time for real time, they may need some help. A recent report from PEW Research Center’s 2015 report found that “Aided by the convenience and constant access provided by mobile devices, especially smartphones, 92% of teens report going online daily — including 24% who say they go online “almost constantly,” according to a new study from Pew Research Center.”(link) Given these statistics and your own…

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5 Ways to Connect With Your Daughter This Summer

Without the stress of school and her busy schedule, she has more mental space to consider what she really wants… To read more on ways to connect with her over the summer months, check out my newest HuffPost article published on July 17, 2018: This content is for Growing Strong Girls Possibilities Boxes members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here…

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Loving Her Body Begins with You

Images are so powerful as they can inspire us to imagine potential. This is why my presentations include a plethora of pictures. I show audiences all kinds of girls: different ages, ethnicities, and expressions – so they can embrace the message that girls are unique – beautiful, valuable, and enough – just as they are, no changes required. Images can also be detrimental in our media saturated society because they can convince us there is an ideal look to conform to for acceptance. Flip through a magazine at the grocery store or explore your…

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How We Can Help Girls Feel Good Enough

*First published in HuffPost Canada I don’t know about you but I have had enough of this idea that a girl should be Super girl: talented at everything she tries and effortless achievement. Research tells us that girls are breaking through glass ceilings: they are succeeding academically, they are involved in every sport and activity they can cram into their schedules, and they are preparing for their future and the next stage of life colloquially called, “adulting”. Yet, there is a troubling paradox amongst the girls I work alongside. Yes, on paper they are…

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Be Yourself, Be Confident

I first met Jorja when she was only one-year-old and hanging of her mom’s hip. I started working with her older brother and sister. Flash forward about seven years, and I had the privilege of working with this curious and kind little girl. We had an instant and easy connection. We shared a birthday, a lot of positive energy, and a love for candy. Every session with Jorja was a special treat where I’d feel inspired by her work ethic as she struggled and then succeed in learning how to read (with dyslexia holding…

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