
For parents

Girls Are NOT Okay

Girls today are achieving and accomplishing. They are doing hard things; they are doing great things. This doesn’t mean they are okay. Girls today are also pressured, stressed and anxious, lonely, busy, and tired. They feel the pressure from society, school, family, friends, and even themselves and the pressure to be Super Girls – the push to be all things to all people, perfect and valuable. Don’t let their flawless appearance, their carefully curated social media platforms, or their impressive litany of activities and experiences fool you. They are keeping up with the increasingly…

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Helping Girls Love Themselves

It’s so hard to watch girls be so self-critical, harsh, and mean to themselves. The can quickly judge their performance or undermine their own success. When girls are unkind to themselves, they disconnect and they grow further from their true selves. How do we help girls? By teaching them 5 ways to practice self-love (especially when it’s hard or they just don’t want to). To grab my free handout, click here. To get your copy of my ebook Wild About You, click here.... This content is for Growing Strong Girls Possibilities Boxes members only.RegisterAlready…

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Cultivating Connection

This is one of my favourite things to talk about and to teach. Why? Because creating a close connection with your daughter can be so hard. So I love to help! Disconnection is all to easy as both you and your growing girl are busy, tired, and distracted by screens and social media. Yet, cultivating connection is essential for growing girls to feel seen, heard, and validated. That is why I created a handout for you available in the resources section. It’s a free PDF! Download your copy here!... This content is for Growing…

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Shame Spiraling

It is so easy for girls to make a mistake and then feel ashamed. Quickly and easily they can fall down the shame spiral – recalling every mistake they’ve ever made, criticizing themselves, and feeling terribly and alone. Would you like some quick ideas for how to help your growing girl out her shame spiral? First, teach her to meet herself where she is at: “I am feeling ashamed about XYZ and I will be here for myself in this moment (even though its so uncomfortable and I want to avoid it)”. Second, help…

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10 Crazy Simple Rules for Girls

This YouTube video dives into the 10 crazy simple rules that can help girls feel happy, healthy, and confident when they are actually feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, lost, lonely, and left out!   We will unpack these 10 crazy simple rules: 1. Take to check in and take care of you 2. Work hard and hustle 3. Cheer yourself on and be your own champion 4. Choose people who are “best fits” for you 5. Do more of what you love 6. Take social media breaks 7. Create your support circle 8. Embrace the…

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5 Tools for Empaths

Is your daughter an EMPATH? I can’t wait to share my 5 Tools for Empaths. So many girls I work with are empaths: Deeply feeling Deeply thinking Highly creative and imaginative Desire to care for and help others a lot Oversensitive to what others think of them Easily feel hurt and disappointed Have difficulty setting boundaries Filled with ideas and passions Need time to unwind, restore, and rejuvenate Sense other people’s moods and energies In this YouTube video, we will explore 5 tools for empaths to help girls turn what they see as a…

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4 Ways to Help Your Teen Daughter with Her Struggles & Stress Right Now

In a recent Instagram poll, I asked this question, “Are you feeling stressed and anxious – now, more than ever?” 97% of teen respondents said, “YES”! Am I surprised? No way. Am I curious what a teen girl’s world is like now that everything has changed? You bet. I decided to ask more specific questions and what they told me was so incredibly helpful…to learn more, read my newest article with Red Tricycle. Click here!... This content is for Growing Strong Girls Possibilities Boxes members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here…

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How to Prepare Your Daughter for Her First Phone

First published in Red Tri If she’s like most growing girls, she’s begging you for a phone and she feels ready to jump into social media. If you are like most parents, you are not ready (yet). The New York Times tells us that students are spending over eight hours each day on their phones, mostly scrolling and swiping through social media, creating videos on Tik Tok, watching You Tube Videos, and of course chatting on Snapchat. Girls tell me all the time how much they love social media – feeling they belong to the…

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6 Ways to Build and Boost & Boost Your Daughter’s Self-Confidence

First Published at Red Tricycle on October 20, 2020 Is your daughter (or the growing girl in your life)…1. NEVER confident? 2. SOMETIMES confident? or 3. ALWAYS confident? If you are like most parents, teachers, and girl champions today, you will likely see that she is wavering between numbers 1 and 2, unlikely to be anywhere near number 3. I am so curious why girls seem to be confident until around age 8 or 9. Then, their confidence wanes, enormously. What happens? Where does this confidence go? And, most importantly, how do we work together…

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How to Embrace the Uncertainty of Possibility During Covid

First published in RedTri, September 14, 2020 I have always thought in terms of possibilities. When I was younger I used a coke bottle and filled it with ideas and goals I wanted to achieve. When I started my company, Bold New Girls, I set up a binder filled with blank paper, calling it my “binder of possibilities”. I spent time each day creating my dream job. Combined, these ideas convinced me that focusing on potential generated positive emotions and energy as well as momentum. These experiences now help me teach both girls and…

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