
Girls today are under so much pressure to look good, to be “good girls”, to fit in and keep up on social media, and to achieve and accomplish. Yes, girls have more choices and more opportunities than any other generation. Yet, at what cost? As girls strive for perfect and polished personas and social media feeds, their confidence and self-worth can plummet. Girls are succeeding but they are so stressed and anxious. To help her deal with the pressures she’s experiencing, you will need strategies. That’s why you need the Super Girls Syndome e-book. Our girls are not okay so let’s support them!


Without a doubt, girls today are under pressure. I read a recent article that said girls feel they under so much pressure, they will explode. What, you may be thinking could make a growing girl feel so overwhelmed and stressed out? Turns out, there’s a lot going on including: the pressure to grow up and look pretty and fit, the pressure to earn high grades, the pressure to keep up on all social media platforms, the pressure to find friends and fit in, and the pressure to be confident!

What is Super Girl Syndrome?

Super Girl Syndrome is a phrase I first learned about from Peggy Orenstein. Orenstein, author of Girls & Sex, describes this phenomenon as the pressure and expectation placed on girls (and women) to excel in multiple areas, often at the expense of their own health and well-being! She argues that this syndrome is influence by cultural expectations of femininity, media representations of “perfect” women, the pressure for women to succeed in male-dominated fields, and system sexism and misogyny.

According to Peggy Orenstein, and from my own experience, characteristics of Super Girl Syndrome could include:

  • Overachievement: constant striving for excellence and perfection in academics, extra-curricular activities, and personal life
  • Multitasking: taking in excessive responsibilities, roles, and activities
  • Self-sacrifice: prioritizing others’ needs over their own
  • People-pleasing: constantly seeking validation and approval for others
  • Emotional suppression: hiding emotions, stress, and vulnerability to be “okay” all the time

Super Girl Syndrome can lead to burnout, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. As well, girls who experiment Super Girl Syndrome often have difficulties setting and keeping boundaries, practicing self-care and self-compassion, and they often are well-practiced in holding on to unrealistic expectations and self-criticism.

But, don’t worry! I am here to help you. So let’s explore and 8 pressures girls are feeling when it comes to Super Girl Syndrome and the strategies and steps you can take to help her through. In this e-book, we will explore:

  • The pressure to look good
  • The pressure to be good girls
  • The pressure to be perfect
  • The pressure to be confident
  • The pressure to keep up
  • The pressure to be her true self
  • The pressure to fit in
  • The pressure to achieve, accomplish, and be “successful”

The Super Girl Syndrome e-book is a 50+ page colourful resources for parents and caregivers who need the strategies and tools to help growing girls of all ages and stages deal with the pressures they are facing today!

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