Girls today are achieving and accomplishing. They are doing hard things; they are doing great things. This doesn’t mean they are okay. Girls today are also pressured, stressed and anxious, lonely, busy, and tired. They feel the pressure from society, school, family, friends, and even themselves and the pressure to be Super Girls – the push to be all things to all people, perfect and valuable. Don’t let their flawless appearance, their carefully curated social media platforms, or their impressive litany of activities and experiences fool you. They are keeping up with the increasingly unrealistic social and cultural norms and demands but what you see isn’t necessarily what you get when it comes to girls of this generation. I’d argue that many girls are not okay. They yearn for a break, some downtime, and the chance to sort out and step into their authentic selves. For us to assume girls are doing okay is both negligent and harmful to our girls. Research shows us that girls are: Twice as likely as boys to suffer from anxiety and depression. Experiencing increasing feelings of sadness, hopelessness, despair, and despondency. More likely to experience depression, poor body image, and low self-esteem the more time…...
Girls Are NOT Okay