First published in Red Tricycle, March 25, 2020 Today, girls feel the pressures to be pretty, popular, and talented. They are striving to fit in, keep up, and be all things to all people. Yet, girls are more stressed and anxious than ever before and consistently report feeling “not good enough.” As girls grow up, they change from strong, secure, and gutsy little girls to uncertain, afraid, and worried teen girls who hold back their voice, their opinion, and their adventurous spirits. They lose their true self and begin curating the “ideal” self—one who is helpful, amenable, and accomplished. Her “perfect” self, whether on her social media feeds or in real-time, strives for perfection at all costs. Essentially, girls become “super girls”. Yet, as much as they are accomplishing, they may also be struggling with “Super Girl Syndrome” —stressed out, exhausted, and empty. You may be noticing the signs: girls who are taking on more roles and responsibilities, putting in extra time on assignments for the perfect grades, staying up late, and saying, “Yes” to every opportunity and every invitation that comes her way. Girls have endless possibilities and infinite choices. The world tells her: “Be anything” she hears: “Be everything.” Girls know the “girl power”…...
When Your Teen Has Supergirl Syndrome