First published in the Toronto Star, by contributing columnist, Brandie Weikle, March 18, 2020 There are days when it seems that all I do is prod my teenager to get out of bed, get out the door on time, get on with that homework assignment and, for crying out loud, put away that laundry we folded last week. I don’t love the sound of my voice when it’s nagging and I know he doesn’t either. When our kids are no longer little, we move away from the acutely body-wearing work of waking frequently at night, threading squirmy legs into snowsuits and loading little ones into their carseats. Our teens can get themselves places and wipe their own noses – and we can more easily string together five or six hours of seep. But the work that remains feels much higher stakes… To keep reading, here is the link: … This content is for Growing Strong Girls Possibilities Boxes members only.Register Already a member? Log in here...
The Antidote to Helicoptering our teens? Parenting from the Periphery