Believe it or not, teens are aware of how much they use their devices, how lonely and isolated they are feeling, and despite their best efforts to exchange virtual time for real time, they may need some help. A recent report from PEW Research Center’s 2015 report found that “Aided by the convenience and constant access provided by mobile devices, especially smartphones, 92% of teens report going online daily — including 24% who say they go online “almost constantly,” according to a new study from Pew Research Center.”(link) Given these statistics and your own experience of watching her do her homework while using Instagram and Snapchat or trying to have the coveted conversation with her without either of you becoming distracted by an incoming text or alert, what can you do to guide her to be more intentional about her social media time as well as more present and mindful? It begins with knowing the facts. Girls use social media to connect, to feel included, and to feel normal, as well as to relieve their stress. After a long day of school or a fight with a friend, all she’ll want to do is dive into social media to “talk” to someone, anyone, who will hear…...
3 Ways to Help Girls Shift from Addiction to Intention on Social Media