Getting ready for back to school can be fun and exciting for some girls and dreaded by others. There is some great advice out there about how to prepare our girls for their return to school: purchase supplies, set academic goals, start going to bed a little earlier to get back into a routine. All helpful. But I am wondering about all “other stuff” we should consider to better support and equip girls. Here are additional tips and tricks to prepare her as she returns to school. Firstly, help her to know how she learns. Simply put, there are three main learning styles. These are commonly known as VAK: Visual (with her eyes), Auditory (with her ears), and Kinesthetic and tactile (with her body and touch). Here is a resource for discovering her dominant way of learning. The reason this is so important to know is that when she knows her learning styles, she can embrace it as a source of confidence and she can then learn to self-advocate. She can start taking responsibility for her learning by asking for what she needs. If a teacher is providing instructions for a project orally, she may ask for the instructions to be written down…...
Ready for School