Snap. Tweet. Post. Repost. Like. These are the social media verbs that you’ve probably heard mentioned on a daily bases. Girls are fascinated and obsessed with social media. If you ever want to connect with her and don’t quite know how to enter her world, ask her about her online life. She’ll light up as she shares what she’s been posting, how many ‘likes’ she’s getting, and the length of her Snapchat streak. Social media and connecting through Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook has become popular beyond measure and a growing girl’s best friend. Around age 9 (if not younger) a littler girl is begging for a phone of her own so she can explore the virtual world and without a phone, she’ll complain how left out and disconnected she feels. She may have a point. Social media is helping her to connect on some level (although I’d argue not a deep one) and the instant gratification she gets from social media use is being reinforced and reaffirmed by the dopamine hit in her body with every “like”, “snap”, and text! Social media provides fun, entertainment, instant communication, and yes, on some level, connection. Everyone is doing it. However, girls (and…...
Girls and Social Media